Laser Beam Machining : :Principle, Working, Equipment's, Application, Advantages and Disadvantages

Today we will learn about laser beam machining principle, working, equipment’s, application, advantages and disadvantages with its diagram. Laser beam machining is a thermal machining process which uses laser beam to produce heat. In this machining process metal is removed by melting and vaporization of metal particle from surface of work piece. It is a non-conventional machining process in which no tool is used. It is used to machine both metallic and non-metallic material. It is mostly used in cutting and drilling operation.

Laser Beam Machining:


The word laser stands for Light amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. When an electron of atom absorbed energy form an external source, the electron which are in its original energy level, jump to a higher energy level. This is not a stable condition of atom so this electron emits the absorbed energy in form of photons and come back to its original state. If an atom which is already at higher energy level absorbs energy, it will emit double energy to return at its original state. The energy emitted by the atom has same frequency and wavelength as the stimulating energy. This is fundamental of laser. When the laser material placed in presence of some other energy source, it absorb energy at some extant and release it when reaches its absorbing limit. This high amplified light beam is called laser.
Laser Beam Machining : :Principle, Working, Equipment's, Application, Advantages and Disadvantages
Principle of Laser Beam Welding

This machining process works on basic property of laser. It uses a laser beam, which is a narrow, monochromatic high intense light which can cut or machine any metal and non-metal. It can use to cut any material irrespective to hardness of work piece. It can also use to cut diamond which is hardest known material on earth.


Laser Beam Machining : :Principle, Working, Equipment's, Application, Advantages and Disadvantages
Laser Beam Machining

Power Supply:

It provides the energy for excitation of electron from lower energy level to higher energy level. This gives power to xenon flash lamps, which produce light energy. The laser material are exposed in light energy to keep storing energy.

Laser Discharge Tube:

The laser material filled in lased discharge tube. The excitation of electron and come back to its original state process takes place in it. It’s one side is partially transparent for laser opening and other side is 100% reflected. It is situated between flash lamp.

Laser Material:                                   

There are many different type of laser material available but in later machining mostly CO2(Pulsed or continuous waves) and Nd: YAG is Used. Carbon die oxide is a laser material that emits light in infrared region. It can provide up to 25 KW power in continuous wave mode. The other one is called Neodymium doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet is a solid state laser which can delivery light through optical fiber. It can generate about 50 KW power in pulsed mode and 1 KW power in continuous mode. 

Focusing Lens:

A focusing lens is used in laser machining operation. It is a convex lens which focus is at work piece.


As we know in laser energy is used to remove metal from workpiece. Its process can be summarized as follow.

This is whole process of laser beam machining. 


Advantages and Disadvantages:



This is all about Laser Beam Machining principle, working, equipment’s, application, advantages and disadvantages with diagram. If you have any query regarding this article, ask by commenting. If you like this article, don’t forget to share it. Subscribe our website for more interesting articles. 

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