Difference Between Petrol Engine and Diesel Engine

Today we will discuss all main Difference Between Petrol Engine and Diesel Engine. We all love driving. We all have heard about the diesel engine and petrol engine. But most of us only know that the difference between both engine is that one is run by petrol and the other one is by diesel. But after this many question develop in our mind.

1. If the diesel is cheaper than petrol, then why we make petrol engine vehicle?
2. Why all heavy vehicles have diesel engine?
3. Why diesel cars are so noisy?
4. Why all sports vehicle and bikes have petrol engine?

But when you go for purchase a car, this information about both engine is not sufficient to differentiate them. So today I am sharing the main difference between diesel and petrol engine. Before reading this difference you should aware about what is engine and what is diesel engine and petrol engine. If you don't know more about them than first read the article given below and after read this post.

1. What is Engine?

2. How does Four Stroke Diesel Engine and Petrol Engine Works?

Difference Between Petrol Engine and Diesel Engine:


Diesel Engine or CI Engine

Petrol Engine or SI Engine


The diesel engine work on diesel cycle.
The petrol engine works on Otto engine.


In this engine Diesel is used as fuel which is a non-volatile fuel.
In this engine petrol which is a high volatile fuel is used as fuel.

In the diesel engine the air is sucked during the suction stroke and the fuel is injected into combustion chamber thru injector.

In the petrol engine the air-fuel mixture sucked during the suction stroke.

The ignition is due to the heat generated during the compression stroke by the high compressed ratio. So it is called compression ignition (CI) engine.

The spark is generated by the spark   plug into the combustion chamber so the ignition is due to the spark by external source so it is called spark ignition (SI) engine.

Due to high compression ratio it have large vibration so it develop more noise.

Due to less compression ratio it has small vibration so it develop less noise.

To handle the high compression ratio it has heavy metal so it is heavier than petrol engine.

It has low compression ratio so they   are light in weight.

This engine used injector to inject   the fuel in combustion chamber.

This engine used spark plug to ignite the fuel in the combustion chamber.

Due to heavy weight and also due to heterogeneous combustion, they are low speed engines.

 Due to light weight and also due to homogeneous combustion, they are high speed engines.

Due to heterogeneous combustion and high compression ratio, it provides high torque. So it is used in heavy vehicle.
Due to homogeneous combustion and comparatively low compression ratio, it provides low torque. So it is used in light vehicle.

In diesel engine there is no pre mixing of air and fuel so no need of carburetor.
In the petrol engine air fuel mixture   is drawn into the combustion chamber so due to pre mixing of air fuel carburetor is required.

Due to high compression ratio the   diesel engine generate high torque which is driving force of vehicle. So high torque is required for heavy vehicle so this engine is used in heavy vehicle.

Due to low compressed ratio it is not used in heavy vehicle.

Diesel is low volatile so it burns slowly. Due to slow burn it generates low speed so it is not used in sports car.

Petrol is high volatile so it burns rapidly. Due to rapid burning it generates high speed so it is used in sports car.

This engine develops low speed at high torque.
This engine develops high speed at low torque.
Due to heavy metal and injector, it is have high prices

Due to light metal it has low prices.

Today we have discussed Difference Between Petrol Engine and Diesel Engine. If you have any query, ask by commenting below. 

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