AutoCAD has a wide library of commands. There are many commands which used to drawing any type of drawing. Today i am going to tell you about various method to drawing offset in AutoCAD.
Offset command:
Short key: O
Offset command is used to create concentric circle, parallel
lines and parallel curves.
Offset creates a new object whose shape parallels the shape of a
selected object. Offsetting a circle or an arc creates a larger or smaller
circle or arc, depending on which side you specify for the offset.
Method to create offset
Select the offset command by press short
key O enter.
Now specified offset distance. It is the
distance between original object and offset object.
After it select the object to which you
want to offset. Remember that this command is work only on polyline or the
object which are made in single run.
Then select the side where you want to
Create to parallel line which has a
distance 1 between them
O enter
1 enter
Select the line
Click the right of line.
When you want to create more than one
offset at the same offset distance then choose multiple offset.
Method of creating multiple offset
Select the offset command by press short
key O enter.
Now specified offset distance. It is the
distance between original object and offset object.
After it select the object to which you
want to offset. Remember that this command is work only on polyline or the
object which are made in single run.
Now press M enter to choose multiple
Then select the side where you want to
create offset and press the left click of mouse as many time as you want to
create offset.
Make 5 concentric circles in which inner
circle have radius 5 and distance between two circle is .5
C enter
Select a point in drawing area.
5 enter
O enter
.5 enter
Select the circle
M enter
Press left click of mouse four times
outside the circle.
Problem 1: Draw the following diagram